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藥靶細(xì)胞株 > 腫瘤免疫細(xì)胞株 > CBP74018PD1/NFAT-Luc/Jurkat

名稱 PD1/NFAT-Luc/Jurkat
型號(hào) CBP74018
特點(diǎn) PD1/NFAT-Luc/Jurkat,凍存條件:90% FBS+10% DMSO;
  • 詳細(xì)內(nèi)容



I. Background
This PD-1 Cell Line is used to measure the binding of PD-1 to PD-L1/PD-L2. Programmed Cell Death Protein 1 (PD-1), a receptor expressed on activated T cells, binds to its ligands, PD-L1 and PD-L2, to negatively regulate immune responses. The PD-1 ligands are found on most cancers, and PD-1:PD-L1/2 interaction inhibits T cell activity and allows cancer cells to escape immune surveillance. The PD-1:PD-L1/2 pathway is also involved in regulating autoimmune responses, making these proteins promising therapeutic targets for a number of cancers, as well as multiple sclerosis, arthritis, lupus, and type I diabetes.

II. Description
Recombinant Jurkat T cell expressing firefly luciferase gene under the control of NFAT response elements with constitutive expression of human PD-1 (Programmed Cell Death 1, PDCD1, SLEB2, CD279, GenBank Accession #NM_005018).

III. Introduction
Host Cell:Jurkat
Expressed gene:NFAT-Luciferase、PD1
Stability:32 passages (in-house test, that not means the cell line will be instable beyond the passages we tested.)
Synonym(s):Programmed cell death 1, PDCD1, PD-1, PD1, SLEB2, CD279, HPD-L, PD1/NFAT, PD-1 NFAT, PD-1/NFAT
Freeze Medium:90% FBS+10% DMSO
Culture Medium:RPMI-1640+10%FBS+800ug/ml hygromycin+1ug/ml puromycin
Mycoplasma Testing:Negative
Storage:Liquid nitrogen
Application(s):Functional(Report Gene) Assay

IV. Description of Host Cell Line
Organism:Homo sapiens, human
Tissue:Peripheral blood
Disease: Acute T cell leukemia
Morphology: Lymphoblast
Growth Properties: Suspension

Ⅴ. Representative Data

Figure 1.Recombinant Jurkat T cell expressing firefly luciferase gene under the control of NFAT response elements with constitutive expression of human PD-1 (Programmed Cell Death 1, PDCD1, SLEB2, CD279, GenBank Accession #NM_005018).

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Figure 2. Detect Luciferase assay by Ultra Luciferase Detection Kit CBPH0001(we strongly suggest to purchase from Cobioer).Dose response curve of anti-PD-1 antibody on PD-1/PD-L1 Blockade Bioassay Model.

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Figure 2. Detect Luciferase assay by Ultra Luciferase Detection Kit CBPH0001(we strongly suggest to purchase from Cobioer).Dose response curve of anti-PD-L1 antibody on PD-1/PD-L1 Blockade Bioassay Model

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Figure 3.Detect Luciferase assay by Ultra Luciferase Detection Kit CBPH0001(we strongly suggest to purchase from Cobioer). Dose Response of PD-1 Agonist Antibody in PD-1/NFAT-Luc/Jurkat Cells With FCγR aAPC Cell.



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